Tulsi Tea 200 Grams

Tulsi Tea 200 Grams


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

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Govind Madhav Tulsi Tea blended from 16 fast acting botanicals contains many herbal ingredients derived from Bark, Roots, Seeds, Twigs, Leaves, Flowers and Grasses, which have several therapeutic functions. It does not even contain a pinch of caffeine or tannin.

  • It acts as an antioxidant, energy booster and boosts stamina.
  • It Bolsters Immune system.
  • It soothes stress, calms the mind, helps in relaxation and uplifts mood.
  • Improves liver functions, Digestion, Nausea, Vomiting and Stomach cramps.
  • Improves asthma, bronchitis, colds, congestion, coughs, flu, sinusitis, sore throat.
  • Tulsi helps to lower Blood Pressure, reduces cholesterol, Regulates Blood Sugar. It aids weight loss.
  • It has cleansing properties so it removes toxins from your body.
  • It helps in getting a good night’s sleep.
  • It promotes energy and brings feeling of wellness.
  • It helps in weight loss if Lemon Peel is added and taken without sugar or honey.
  • Its digestive function improves if a pinch of grated Ginger is added while decocting.
  • Govind Madhav Tulsi Tea can be taken with sugar/Honey and with/without milk at least two/three times a day to get best health benefits.

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Weight 0.200 kg

16 Herbs

Caryophyllus aromaticus (Lavanga, Cloves): Prevents vomiting, reduce pains, used in flatulence and dyspepsia due to its aromatic, carminative, antispasmodic and digestive properties. It promotes digestion of fatty and crude food, promotes nutrition and relieves gastric and intestinal pains and spasms. It helps to improve functions of salivary glands, kidneys, liver and bronchial mucus membranes; infusion helps to allay thirst. It is useful in coughs and other respiratory disorders and acts as an expectorant. It also helps to tone up nervous system. Clove promotes Bone health. Clove is used to relieve toothache, sterilize root canals, also acting as a mouth cavity anesthetic. Used externally, the oil is rubefaceint. Safety: 1-2.5 ratti (0.13-0.3 gm) per day


Cinnamomum tamala (Tejpatra, Indian Cassia): Tejpatra acts as a carminative, gastric stimulant, appetizer and mouth refresher, gives soothing aroma – fragrance. It is useful in flatulence (excessive formation of gases in stomach and intestine), dyspepsia (Indigestion), relieves colic (intestinal spasms). It is also useful in rheumatism (joint pains). Used in treatment of Diabetes, controls blood sugar levels and cholesterol and Triglycerides. Safety: 1-4 masha (1-4 gm) per day.


Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Dalchini, Chinese cassia): Dalchini is beneficial in deranged kapha, stimulates body’s metabolism, helps in cutting belly fat so help you lose weight. It is expectorant, removes hoarseness of voice. It increases appetite, destroys toxins, cardiac tonic, increases semen, imparts strength. Cinnamon is one of the best weight loss herbs because it helps to stabilise blood sugar level, keeps you full for a longer time, decreases hunger pangs and metabolises fats at a faster rate. It is a carminative, antispasmodic, aromatic and stomachic. It is useful in flatulence, dyspepsia, and diarrhea and vomiting. Safety: 2.5-10 ratti (0.3-1.25 gm) per day.


Cyperus rotundus (Nagarmotha, Nut grass): It relieves spasms and pain, acting mainly on the digestive system and uterus. They are used internally in the treatment of digestive problems and menstrual complaints. It acts as a carminative, stomachic, demulcent and tonic. Nut grass is recommended for fevers and obesity in Ayurveda. It is soothing tonic, good for Skin care and Hypertension. Safety: 3-6 masha (3-6 gm) per day.


Elettaria cardamomum (Elaichi chhoti, Cardamom): Cardamom is an effective digestive stimulant and diuretic, cardamom boosts metabolism and helps the body burn fat more efficiently. It has strong aromatic (soothing fragrance), carminative and stomachic, digestive, borborygmus, bloating and flatulence, appetizer. beneficial for nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, burping and acidity, diarrhea, biliousness, belching and stomach aches. It boosts expectoration, improves cough with mucus and asthma with wheezing. Good for sore throat, cold and bronchitis and freshens the breath. It improves mind weakness. It is also reported to possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cardio-tonic properties. Safety: 5-15 ratti (0.6-1.8gm) per day.


Foeniculum vulgare (Saunf, Indian sweet fennel): It is used in Digestive discomfort; flatulence, borborygmus, cramps, nausea. It is an aromatic, carminative, stomachic. gastro-intestinal relaxant, soothing spasms in the smooth muscles of intestinal tract known to treat hyperacidity. Useful in cough. clears phlegm. It induces perspiration and urination and is useful in difficult urination, burning and dark yellow urine, cloudy urine. Its diuretic properties clear pitta from mutravahasrotas. It tonifies the brain and nervous system & useful in gout. & obesity. Safety: 4 ratti to 2 masha (0.5-2 gm) per day.


Glycyrrhiza glabra (Muleti/Yashti madhu, Liquorice, Sweet wood): It reduces hyperacidity, gastric discomfort, spasms and pains. It improves liver functions & relieves constipation. It is useful in sore throat, hoarseness of voice, coughs, colds, bronchitis and asthma as an expectorant. Licorice is useful in painful urination, ulcers, mucous membrane looseness, laryngitis, general debility. It is useful in the inflammatory conditions of bronchial tubes and bowels. It strengthens & modulates the immune system and has shown remarkable immuno-stimulant and antioxidant properties. As a tonic and refrigerant it rejuvenates the body and calms the nervous system. It has soothing fragrance. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Licorice is used in arthritis. Safety: 1-4 masha (1-4 gm) per day.


Mentha arvensis (Pudina, Mint): It is an Aromatic, Carminative, Stimulant, Antispasmodic, Stomachic and Emmenaagogue. It is very good for stomach bloating, hiccups, indigestion, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, nausea, and anorexia. It is useful where the lungs are congested with catarrh and constricted by spasm, causing wheezing or asthma. It acts as a diaphoretic – clears wind-heat conditions associated with colds and influenza with fever, headache, sore throat, and red eyes (conjunctivitis).  Moreover, it is considered effective for mild cases of hives, allergy rashes, toothaches, and mouth ulcers. Safety: 1-4 masha (1-4 gm) per day.


Ocimum Sanctum / Ocimum tenuiflorum (Tulsi Holy Basil): Tulsi may relieve symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, colds, congestion, coughs, flu, sinusitis, sore throat. Tulsi helps to lower Blood Pressure, reduces cholesterol, Regulates Blood Sugar. It aids weight loss. It burns fat in a quick way without any side effects & boosts stamina. Relieves Anxiety & depression,  Reduces Stress & is Memory sharpener. Used to treat indigestion, ulcers, vomiting, gastric disorders, and stomach or menstrual cramps & relief from diarrhea. Tulsi helps in skin brightening, curing acne face marks & skin infections and any sort of skin allergies. Relieves Arthritis. Safety: 5-7 masha (5-6 grams) per day


Piper nigrum (Kali Mirich, Black pepper): It acts as an aromatic, stimulant, stomachic, analgesic, carminative, and expectorant. It helps to increase enzymatic secretions in gut. Useful in anorexia, low appetite to stimulate hunger and interest in food, improves sluggish digestion, borborygmus, removes colonic toxins, helps in diarrhea relieves abdominal colic pain and nausea. useful part of many diabetes treatments. Specific for cold, wet, damp, kapha conditions with white, sticky mucus and a productive cough; asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and sore throats. Safety: 2-4 ratti (.25–.05 gm) per day.


Pterocarpus santalinus (Rakta-chandana, Red sandalwood): The herb is mildly astringent, cooling, tonic, breaks up mucus to make it easier to cough up, beneficial in fever, dysentery and haemorrhage. It is Digestive, and used in Bowel and Bilious affections. It strengthens Eyesight. It is applied externally in the form of paste in headache, inflammations, boils, piles and in ophthalmia. Safety:


Rosa damascena (Gulab ke phool, Rose petals): Mildly astringent, aperient (Mild purgative), carminative, and refrigerant (Cooling effect), cardiac tonic, expectorant, laxative and Aromatic (gives soothing aroma (fragrance) and stimulates appetite). Good for gastric ulcers, gastric inflammation, acidity, enteritis and heartburn. Roses can help with fat metabolism and hence help to reduce blood lipid levels. Rose’s nourishing effect on majja dhatu make it useful for nervous depression and anxiety. Its cooling quality can reduce symptoms of high pitta; red tongue tip, agitation, palpitations and headaches behind the eyes. Safety: 1-3 masha (1-3 gm) per day.


Rubia cordifolia, (Manjishta, Indian madder): Manjistha has anti-inflammatory, Anti-dysenteric, Anti-helminthic and antioxidant properties. It treats allergies, acne, eczema, and psoriasis, wound healing, maintains Skin Health, Damaged skin tissues due to injury or illness and can improve your complexion. Manjistha is considered as tonic, antitussive. It Regulates Blood Pressure. It protects your kidney, liver, improves digestion and immune system against toxins, Boosts immunity. It helps to stop bleeding, haemoptysis, blood in the stools & urine. It aids in weight loss. Manjistha can help you deal with stress and improve memory and learning ability. Safety: 3-5 grams (3-5 masha) per day


Terminalia Arjuna (Arjuna chhal, Bark of Arjuna myrrobalan): It is cardioprotective, cardiotonic, hypolipidaemic, hepatoprotective, alterative and diuretic. The plant is the most effective herbal remedy for heart diseases & high blood pressure. It helps to alleviate productive coughs with copious mucus in bronchitis and asthma due to excess kapha. Plant bark is used in dysentery, diarrhea, insufficient absorption and other bowel and bilious affections and helps in diseases of liver. It also has a tonic and diuretic effect in cases of cirrhosis of the liver. The plant is used to boost one’s metabolism, increase blood circulation and energize the body. Safety: 1-3 masha (1-3 gm).


Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha, Winter cherry): Ashwagandha helps in relieving stress and thus promotes weight loss. This increases your overall energy and helps you during your intense workouts. Ashwagandha is full of antioxidants that are essential for weight loss and overall well-being. It helps in cough and cold symptoms, and chronic pain. Flowers have potent diuretic and aphrodisiac properties which is used for improving fertility and treating kidney problems such as kidney stones. The root has potent aphrodisiac, diuretic, antioxidant, anti-depressant, anti-diabetic properties and are hence used for treating neural problems, diabetes, constipation, infertility, skin disorders, etc. Safety: 3 to 5 grams (3-5 masha) per day.


Zingiber officinale (Saunth, Ginger root): Ginger has potential blood-sugar controlling mechanism. Basically, ginger tends to inhibit enzymes that affect how carbs are metabolised and insulin sensitivity as a whole, thereby leading to greater glucose absorption in the muscles. Ginger also has the potential to help reduce the risk for  diabetes complications due to its lipid-lowering effects. Ginger supplementation significantly reduced the levels of fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I and malondialdehyde Ginger increases the flow of saliva and is a stimulating tonic for the digestive system. It is used in upset stomach, cramping, motion sickness, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite and aids digestion. Ginger has been shown to reduce hunger, which can help people lose weight. It is used in Sore-throat, laryngitis and cold. It increases the peripheral circulation and detoxifies the body from toxins associated with rheumatism. It has anti-inflammatory effect (reduces pain and swelling). It is also sometimes promoted for arthritis or joint and muscle pain. Can be used topically for inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, bursitis and muscle sprains. Safety: 1-10 grams (1-10 masha) per day.


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